
5 User Story Examples in Agile | Easy Navigation & More

In agile software development, user stories are a powerful tool used by development teams to better understand and meet the needs of end users. A user story is a short, simple description of a feature or requirement from the perspective of the user. It is used to capture the user's needs and expectations and guides the development team as they work towards creating a functional, user-friendly product.

In this blog, we will explore 5 examples of user stories in agile development, including how they were written, their impact on the development process, and what made them successful. By understanding these examples, you will gain a better understanding of how user stories can be used to improve the success of your own agile development projects.

5 Examples of User Stories in Agile

1. As a user, I want to be able to easily navigate through the website to find the information I need.

In our example, the user story describes the type of user - any individual who visits the website - and their need to easily navigate the platform. The purpose of this user story is to guide the development of a software system or feature that enhances user experience on the website.

When we break down this user story, we could create smaller stories or tasks that concentrate on specific aspects of navigation. These smaller user stories might include developing a clear menu, improving page loading speed, or adding a search function.

User stories allow the agile team to understand the software feature from the user's perspective. They often follow the format: "As a [type of user], I want [some goal] so that [some reason]." This format ensures the team maintains a focus on the end user and their needs throughout the agile development process.

In an agile framework like Scrum, these user stories form part of the product backlog, which is then used to plan iterations or sprints. The development team, using user stories written from this perspective, will aim to meet the acceptance criteria for each story. These criteria define what is necessary for a story to be considered complete, also known as the definition of done.


2. As a customer, I want to be able to easily add items to my shopping cart and checkout quickly.

Our user story here is focused on the customer's desire for a seamless shopping experience on a website or app. The user story describes the type of user, a customer in this case, and their needs, such as the ability to easily add items to a shopping cart and a quick checkout process. The purpose of a user story like this is to guide the development team towards creating features that enhance the user experience.

The development team, under the guidance of the product manager or product owner, will use a user story template to create user stories that address these needs. They might also employ a story map to visualize how each of these smaller stories or tasks contributes to the overall user experience.

3. As a mobile user, I want the website to be optimized for my device so that I can easily access it on-the-go.

In today's digital era, where smartphone usage is ubiquitous, the above user story highlights an imperative need for businesses. User stories in agile are a vital tool that allows the development team to focus on the user's perspective, enhancing the overall user experience. This particular user story underscores the significance of mobile optimization in ensuring a website is accessible and user-friendly for mobile users.

The creation of user stories such as this one begins with understanding the needs and preferences of the end user, in this case, the mobile user. The user story describes the type of user, their desire, and the benefit they'll achieve. It’s written from the perspective of the user and allows the development team to empathize with them, leading to a more intuitive software system or feature. team-ux-ui-designer-mobile-development-experience-app.jpg

4. As a frequent user, I want to be able to save my preferences and settings for a personalised experience.

In this user story, we identify the user as a 'frequent user' with a need to 'save preferences and settings' to create a personalised experience. Such stories allow the development team to put themselves in the user’s shoes, promoting empathy and a deep understanding of user needs.

Once the story is defined, a key task could be to create a user profile system that lets users set and save their preferences. Another could be to develop a feature that offers personalised recommendations based on the user's activity on the website. asian-woman-standing-window-office-looking-printouts-with-business-graphs-glass (1).jpg For this user story, acceptance criteria might include ensuring the settings are saved across different sessions and personalised recommendations are accurately reflecting the user's preferences and activities.

5. As a first-time user, I want clear instructions and guidance on how to use the website or app.

This aforementioned user story lays emphasis on the requirement for a user-friendly interface and clear instructions for first-time users, revealing the value of understanding and addressing the needs of the new user.

Identifying the type of user is the first step in writing a user story. In this case, the user is a 'first-time user'. The need or goal is to have 'clear instructions and guidance', aiming to streamline the user experience. User stories allow the product manager, and the entire agile team, to empathise with the user, thus fostering an accurate depiction of the user’s perspective.

For instance, one task could be creating a tutorial or an onboarding process, which would guide new users through the website or app. Other tasks could involve providing tooltips or pop-ups to explain different features and simplifying the navigation menu.


Writing good user stories is an integral part of agile software development. User stories serve as a tool for communication, providing a shared understanding of user requirements among team members. They can also guide the development of software systems, ensuring the end product is in line with user needs. The user story’s purpose isn’t just task management; it's to shift the agile approach's focus onto the user, ensuring the user experience is always at the forefront of development."

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