
How to Manage Agile Teams as a Manager

As businesses strive to keep up with the growing demands of the modern world, more and more are turning to the agile methodology in software development. Agile is a constantly evolving process that empowers teams to self-organise and optimise their work, resulting in more efficient and effective project completion. For managers in this field, adopting agile methodologies can seem overwhelming, especially if they have little experience with this approach. However, there are specific steps that managers can take to ensure that they understand and implement agile methodologies effectively. In this article, we will explore the key practices and strategies that can help managers transition to an agile approach.

How to Manage Agile Teams?

Agile teams have become increasingly popular in organisational settings as they offer countless benefits such as increased productivity, flexibility, and team member satisfaction. To successfully manage an agile team, an agile manager must possess several key skills such as effective communication, flexibility, and adaptability. Communication is essential in an agile organisation as it fosters transparency, builds trust and ensures all team members have a clear understanding of their roles and responsibilities. Additionally, flexibility is necessary in an agile environment as changes in project requirements and priorities are common.

An agile manager must be able to adapt to these changes and create a work environment that supports and encourages team members to do the same. To maximise the benefits of agile, an organisational culture that is supportive of innovation, collaboration, and agile methodologies should be fostered. cheerful-young-speakers-standing-near-whiteboard.jpg This involves promoting continuous learning, experimentation and creating an environment that encourages risk-taking. In conclusion, managing an agile team requires a combination of soft and technical skills, a supportive organisational culture, and an adaptive management approach. When implemented effectively, an agile team can produce high-quality results quickly and efficiently. Here we'll explore five critical aspects of the agile manager role that will help you to effectively lead your team, foster collaboration, and continuously deliver value to your customers.

Understand the Principles of Agile Methodology.

To effectively implement agile methodology within your team or organisation, it's crucial to first understand its foundational principles. Agile emphasises adaptability, collaboration, and ongoing enhancement in various aspects such as software development and project management. Agile teams, consisting of roles like the product owner, scrum master, and cross-functional team members, work in short, iterative cycles called sprints, enabling them to adapt and pivot as necessary.

Effective communication and collaboration lie at the heart of agile methodology. Team members work cohesively to resolve problems and achieve shared goals. Agile managers create an environment that encourages teams to self-organise and empowers them to make decisions. By removing impediments and optimising processes, agile leaders support self-organising teams, fostering collaboration and shared ownership.

Identify the Right Agile Framework for Your Team. With various agile frameworks available, such as Scrum, Kanban, Lean, and others, it's essential to identify the one that aligns best with your team's requirements and objectives. Each framework brings its distinct approach and set of practices, making the selection process vital for your team's success in software development and other projects.

When determining the most suitable agile framework, take into account factors like team size, project complexity, and organisational culture. Consider how each framework might influence the way your agile team, product owner, and scrum master work together, as well as how it may impact self-organising teams and their ability to self-organise.

Involving your team in the decision-making process is crucial for fostering ownership and commitment. Furthermore, provide training and support to ensure your team fully understands the chosen framework and can effectively implement its practices. By addressing potential impediments and optimising processes, you'll be able to facilitate a smooth transition and empower your cross-functional team to excel within the chosen agile framework.

Set Clear Goals and Priorities.

In an agile organisation, one of the fundamental principles is to concentrate on providing value to the customer through an iterative and incremental development process. As a development manager, your role in agile is to set well-defined goals and priorities for your team, ensuring they tackle the most critical tasks first. This approach requires regular communication and collaboration with stakeholders to comprehend their needs and preferences, facilitating effective product management.

Utilise tools such as user stories and product backlogs to prioritise tasks and monitor progress toward your objectives. These tools aid in managing the agile process and defining the manager's role in a way that supports the overall success of teams and individuals. Establishing clear goals and priorities is essential not only for individual teams but also for fostering alignment across teams, and achieving end-to-end results.

By setting transparent goals and priorities, you empower your team to remain focused and motivated to deliver customer value. Furthermore, it allows them to better understand their part within the larger context of the organisation, thus promoting cohesion and boosting overall productivity.

Foster a Collaborative and Transparent Environment.

Embracing agile culture within an organisation requires the adoption and implementation of agile values such as collaboration and transparency. As a manager in an agile environment, it's crucial to create a setting where teams and individuals feel at ease discussing their thoughts and concerns. Encourage open communication and regular check-ins to guarantee that everyone stays aligned and informed within the agile framework. female-graphic-designer-pointing-sticky-notes-glass Leverage tools like daily stand-up meetings and retrospectives to promote communication and identify areas for improvement. These practices help agile teams operate more cohesively and ensure a smooth workflow in multiple agile teams within the organisation. In product management, a manager also plays a vital role in nurturing this collaborative atmosphere, leading by example and actively participating in transparent communication.

By fostering a collaborative and transparent environment, you not only empower your team to work more efficiently and effectively towards your shared objectives, but you also contribute to the growth of a healthy agile organisation. As a result, your team can continuously improve and deliver better outcomes, thus benefiting the organisation as a whole.

Continuously Evaluate and Adapt Your Processes.

A fundamental aspect of agile methodology lies in the notion of continuous improvement. In the agile manager role, it's crucial to consistently assess your team's processes and make necessary adaptations. This entails being receptive to feedback from team members and implementing changes based on their input. As a manager, you must also be proactive in monitoring your team's performance metrics and pinpointing areas that require enhancement.

By adopting this continuous evaluation and adaptation approach, you can help the team optimise their workflow and maintain peak performance levels. In doing so, your team is better positioned to deliver value to the customers, ensuring the delivery of high-quality results in a constantly evolving landscape. Remember, as an agile manager, your role is not just about managing, but also about empowering and supporting your team in achieving their goals and driving overall success.


Adopting the agile manager role requires an understanding of agile principles, selecting the right framework for your team, setting clear goals and priorities, fostering a collaborative and transparent environment, and continuously evaluating and adapting your processes. By focusing on these five aspects, you'll be better equipped to lead your team to success within an agile organisation. Embrace the opportunity to learn, grow, and evolve as an agile manager, and you'll find yourself guiding your team toward higher levels of performance, collaboration, and customer satisfaction.

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